As Tony Abbott continues his embarrassing trip overseas it is fitting that
we highlight the growing gap between the views of US President Barack Obama and
Abbott on the key issue of climate change.
The Italian and Swedish ambassadors recently
expressed bemusement that the Abbott government had not opted for a market
mechanism in combating changing climatic patterns. Indeed, the European Union has also expressed
concern that climate change has been dropped from the G20 summit in November.
Obama sees climate change as a “creeping national security crisis” and the USA’s
top scientific research group, the National Research Council, has already warned
that “climate extremes are going to be more frequent” and that “humans are
pouring carbon dioxide and other climate altering gases into the atmosphere at
a rate never before seen”.
Instead Abbott prefers to focus on lower income
groups to resolve his exaggerated “debt and deficit disaster”. Of far greater
concern to all of us should be the mortgaging of our generational future by failing to
respond adequately to climate change.
Frank Carroll
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