Southside gets ready for State Election
Although the Queensland state election may be nine months away, local south-side candidates are well in advance with their campaign preparations.
Fundraising, campaign and community activities have been held across the state seats of South Brisbane (Jackie Trad), Yeerongpilly (Mark Bailey), Sunnybank (Peter Russo) and Algester (Leeanne Enoch) over the past few weeks, with many residents signing up to help oust the increasingly discredited Newman Government.
Buoyant with the Newman Government backflip on the proposed closure of Dutton Park train station, other local campaigns are expected to ramp up pressure on issues where the LNP have failed the south-side community.
Recently, local south-side candidates have campaigned to highlight the failures of the latest state budget which has seen more broken promises, rising unemployment and a continuing rise in the cost of living for many Queenslanders.
For more information about Labor's campaign for the south-side, or to volunteer, please email
Branch donations to benefit local community bookshop
This years Annerley Branch book drive, organised to assist the Annerley Community Bookshop, has been described as another success. Donations of books are co-ordinated every year to help provide much needed stock for the local bookshop which runs a number of community oriented programs.
On hand to present this years big haul of donated books was Terri Butler MP, Federal Member for Griffith (pictured with Naomi from the Bookshop). The book drive is part of the Annerley Branch's community engagement program and has been a popular activity with members and supporters.
For more information about the programs run by Annerley Community Bookshop, please visit
Labor to hold local forum on immigration and refugees
Federal Member for Moreton, Graham Perrett and Federal Member for Griffith, Terri Butler will be hosting an open forum on immigration and refugee issues on Friday, 11th July.
The forum, which will commence at 6.00 p.m. at the MaryMac Community Centre, Ipswich Rd, Annerley, will be attended by Federal Immigration Spokesperson, Richard Marles MP. Special guests on the speakers panel will be Rebecca Lim from The Romero Centre and Louise Ryan from Labor for Refugees.
For more information about the forum, or to RSVP, please contact 07 3899 4031.
Qld ALP State Conference candidates to be quizzed
Candidates for this years tri-ennial State Conference delegate elections will be surveyed on their attitudes toward key reform issues. The survey, compiled by Annerley Branch members, will be used to gauge the level of support for several democratic reforms such as community-based pre-selections, the direct election of national conference delegates, the direct election of state administrative positions, as well as whether affiliated union members should be given a greater say.
The survey is a result of the growing movement for democratic reform within the ALP and will be sent to delegate candidates in Griffith and Moreton. It is expected that the survey results will be distributed to members before the ballot is finalised on 26th July.
For more information about the survey, please email
thanks . it was good