In 1998, the then Treasurer Peter Costello, introduced the Charter of Budget Honesty to give greater transparency to the government’s management of fiscal policy.
The incumbent government was now required to provide a Pre-Election and Fiscal
Outlook (PEFO) report during the caretaker period. This PEFO report (which is, incidentally non-political) was submitted just before the last federal election.
The report showed a
deficit of $30.1 billion deficit for the financial year 2013-14 but a return to
surplus over the forward estimates by 2016-17. This, however, did not suit Joe Hockey who
then proceeded to add 16.9 billion to the deficit as shown in his December
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook.
figures projected a deficit of $17.7 billion for the year 2016-17.
The strategy
was obvious: extend the debt so that the electorate will swallow the fallacy of a budget emergency and give the Coalition a
'mandate' to govern well into the future.
Frank Carroll
nice post, thanks for sharing