Going on past form it is a bit rich for Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey to say we
must all do 'our share' to rein in spending.
This is the person who supports a paid parental leave scheme which
heavily favours higher income groups.
This is the person who joined in the
outrage expressed by his colleagues when Labor introduced the health rebate
means testing and then watched on as his leader, Tony Abbott, went silent on his
vow to repeal it.
This is the person who accused Wayne Swan of reverting to
China’s one-child policy when the baby bonus was modified, yet is now
acquiescent over its consignment to the dustbin of history.
This is the person
who joined Tony Abbott’s catchcry that wealthy retirees were having their
multi-million dollar “piggybanks” raided when only 0.4% of the population would
have been affected.
Now he has the temerity to urge the us all to bear
the brunt of his new 'age of austerity'.
Frank Carroll
nice one